
Looking Ahead – Hot Retail Segments for 2021

2020 taught us that anything can happen. As marketers, we are always looking to take our clients to the next level with a strategic approach to their omnichannel solution. Proven to be most successful, a multi-touch marketing strategy using both digital and print amplifies a brand’s reach.

Most notable for 2020? The accelerated shift to eCommerce due to the pandemic. As the National Retail Federation (NRF) reported: “consumers have embraced online shopping with vigor and retailers have responded with the speedy rollout of new technologies.”

But digital adaptation was always on its way, wasn’t it? We believe there is greater meaning to this changed consumer behavior, which is category expansion. There is a huge opportunity and right now is the time to capitalize on it. Here is our list of hot retail segments for 2021:

Dad/ Daughter

The Media Horizons Take: Five Top Opportunities for Marketers in 2021

While 2020 may have shown us that you never know what to expect, it also demonstrated the power of a retail connection, the importance of brand loyalty and overall, the necessity of both offline and online marketing to combat the high volumes of competition today.

Scrolling through the news over the last few weeks, we have heard from Wall Street Journal, Forbes, National Retail Federation (NRF), CNBC, and others about what’s to come. While they’ve each given us a lot to think about, we want to offer the Media Horizons take now that we are a few weeks into the New Year. Here are five trends to keep top-of-mind in 2021.


Putting a wrap on a year we will never forget

I remember flying home from a trip in February of 2020. We had heard about this new very contagious virus primarily seen in Asia and Europe, but it had not yet affected us here in the U.S., specifically on the east coast. Little by little it made its way to us and impacted our lives. We started washing our hands more, watching the news even more, and eventually on March 13, closing our physical office doors. Initially for a two-week period we thought, and then for what we could not have imagined, the rest of the year.


Voice Searches Via Smart Devices Are Increasing During the Pandemic

Here Are Some Low Cost, Quick Tips That Can Help Your Brand’s Visibility Increase on Those Voice Search Queries
It’s 7am on a rainy Saturday morning up in Fairfield County, CT. I normally would start my day with a cup of coffee in hand and ask my Amazon Alexa about today’s weather forecast but on this day, the forecast was pretty obvious. So, I then posed another question to Alexa, one that has become commonplace in my household since the shelter-in-place order was given. “Alexa, what is the latest Coronavirus news?” This question has become part of my new daily routine as of late and as it turns out, I’m not alone.

7 Effective Google Ads Tactics for Managed Service Providers (MSPs)

Money Saving Optimizations for Your Local Google Ads Program

Countless managed service providers (MSPs) ranging in size utilize Google Ads to market their services to those seeking local solutions on Google. And one thing unites these businesses – all of them seek to tap into the millions of Google searchers scouring the web for information, products, and services.

Local SEO Success

6 Key Factors Every MSP Needs to Address for Local SEO Success

When an organization is in the market for managed service provider solutions for their business, they will turn to the search engines to satisfy their needs. A well-rounded Local SEO program to find a local provider is vital towards driving leads for MSPs. But considering that 46% of all Google searches seek local information and “near me” searches have grown at a rate of 130% last year alone*, it is simply too important to ignore or not do correctly.

Ecommerce Sales

Online Merchants Guild… The Future of Ecommerce Merchant Sales?

Smaller merchants who sell products with Amazon, craving more leverage, are beginning to join the newly founded Online Merchants Guild. As the threat of states levying back taxes on past sales looms, merchants, likely to be easier targets than Amazon, are hoping that a group such as the Online Merchants Guild will give them the lobbying power they need to thwart such legislation.